For YOU-A gift of Time…

As everyone is safely tucked in bed this evening in my home it allows me to reflect on the day. My mind flashed to each of YOU! Yes, you! What does blogging mean to me? What does it mean to YOU? To me it is meant to share. To share a part of my thoughts, humor, lifestyle, family, friends with each of YOU. From YOU I learn so much. Every person on this planet has a gift, a talent, an idea, a heart, a soul, a friend but the absolute greatest gift of all we each have is time. I do not look at blogging as a chore, a job, a must do. It is a joy to blog daily on all 5 web sites. Including Tasty and the 977+ recipes posted in one year, the time to share that special meal I prepared or created, tweaked, wrote and cook and ate with my family and friends. One of my first followers was sweet Sarah ‘n Spice .com Sarah is special as each of YOU are too me. We kid around a lot, the kinship is there first and foremost. With Debbie Spivey The Mountain we share funny sarcasm (She’s a Scorpio!), we shared Goats and Bears and animal control and flip flops together. To Thao @ In Good we share laughter and joy and recipes together and my laundry Mondays. Thao is a rare gem. To Andrea @ cooking with a true jewel in my collection, a friend in my virtual family who follows my Florida antics and lifestyle and loves to cook and share her family’s recipes. Each of YOU are that special to me. To Amanda Gayle @ Night Owl who rarely comments but reads blogs often reached out too me and we share so much in common, her kind spirit. You see everyone has struggles without them there are no victories. To my dear Suzanne a pug in the your beautiful soul of caring for others, your brilliant recipes and our Dear Sweet Izzy. Over these last 10 months YOU have and continue to give me so much. To Chitra, Ana, K, Nandini, Olga, Charlotte, Adriana, Jenny, Tux, Lori, Patty, Prudy, Jodi, Judi, my list could go on and on. It is not about how many hits on my sites, nor how many followers, it is about YOU!


In closing I wish you Good Health. Cheryl “Cheffie Cooks” Wiser. See YOU!

20 thoughts on “For YOU-A gift of Time…

  1. One of life’s blessings is the friendships created and sustained.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for an equivalent of an internet hug, Cheryl. You are special too and are one of my most cherished internet contacts: you are friendly, genuine, positive, and caring…qualities that are refreshing. I realized that people on the internet blogging world, as in the real world, can be clicky (nice enough, but clicky). It is special to have come across someone like you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was such a beautiful post. And you are so right, I had to get over the “hits” syndrome as I call it. It’s about good content, meeting wonderful new people, and having a good time. We have limited time on this earth, why not smile and enjoy it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you K-as I know we will be following each other for a long time!


  5. So true, Cheryl! That is the beauty of blogging. Connecting and forming friendships. xoxo

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  6. What a beautiful post Cheryl, I feel so blessed to have met you albeit virtual, you have brought comfort and laughter and for that I will always be grateful. You are a gentle and kind person that I am honored to know. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful post! I treasure our friendship as you were one of my first blogging friends too 🙂 You’re kind, thoughtful and know how to make me laugh! A lot 😀 We will forever be BBFF (best blogging friends forever ❤ ) Thank you dear friend xoxoxo

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  9. Spending time with you through this blog is indeed a pleasure—THANK YOU !

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Cheryl, you are so sweet, and I cherish our friendship! xo

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