Recently I met a lady who told me she felt alone? ALONE I thought to myself instantaneously; I then read her a poem I had written several years ago. I would like to share that with you today… it is called FOREVER, YOUR CHILD.

As I walk this path alone, I am reminded of the days gone by, joyous and sadness abound my life

For as I have walked alone most of my life, I am reminded of the love, faith and hope shared in my life

The sunrises the sunsets, the ocean, the sky, are made by my creator and shared with me my whole life

I am a child of yours let it be told, do I walk alone every day of my life, you taught me about your love almost every day of my life

Throughout this life do we ever walk alone, forever, your child I am not alone…

The beauty surrounds me on a cool windy night, I am reminded you loved me most of my life

Seemingly endless this quiet walk alone, I have felt you near me most of my life, am I really alone?

Throughout this life do we ever walk alone, forever, your child I am not alone…

When rain falls lightly can it be so, sprinkle the foliage love knows all, above a light shines vivid and bright

One day I’ll step onto a path and know, you loved me most of my life the love will show

On a meadow the dew sits still, I know I am your child, over and over I tell myself in your life you are not alone

Throughout this life do we ever walk alone, forever, your child I am not alone……CLW