Roasted Zucchini & Squash

The fresh garden vegetables are abundant and so I decided to make two of our favorites! I rinsed and cut on the bias 2 medium zucchini and two banana squash. Added them into a large mixing bowl with olive oil, lemon juice, s & p, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, parsley, gently toss and transfer to a rimmed non stick baking sheet pan.

Bake covered with foil 25 minutes @400 F.
Serve and enjoy!

15 thoughts on “Roasted Zucchini & Squash

  1. Mmmmm. The zucchini looks so good. I’m not a big fan of the banana squash, but probably roasted this way I could become one. Our farmer’s Market is finally opening. Exciting news for me, but won’t make it there for a while. I DO have two small green tomatoes on this years version of my container garden, again being grown in my window. I’m getting impatient for that first good bite, so naturally they are acting like the watched pot–just sitting there drinking in the sun, when it actually shows its face.

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  2. Perfect recipe for this summer and the onslaught of zucchini and squash! Thanks, Cheryl. 🙂

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  3. Oh yummy! I love squash and zucchini, especially on the grill. No fresh summer squash around here until another month or two (or three), ha! xoxo

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