A problem with Word Press Reader!

So myself and another (non food related Blogger) are communicating with the Public Forum to which no one knows why since last week the Reader does not post our photo’s? Hum…really. For those of you who actually pay for a .com site (unlike me who won’t I do not really see an advantage there). But, then I am not into statistics. However, what is right is right, and when the problem is with WP I feel they should bend backwards, forwards to resolve the issue. Wouldn’t you agree? So the problem is simply the photo will not go into the reader with content text. Up to last week this was NEVER an issue.

My friends have expressed concern too that they were not showing up in the reader at all. Now then why is that and they were in fact .com sites?!

 I can manually enter their sites to view that isn’t the issue. What is in my humble opinion is total inconsistency on the part of WP without regard to resolving the issues…Makes me wonder…How about you?

If you do not see a photo in the reader from any of my 9 websites, just click visit and the photo and content will appear on the site.

See YOU! Keep smiling…


33 thoughts on “A problem with Word Press Reader!

  1. Hi sweetie! I do not see your photos either, sorry! I am one handed typing now so also sorry for lack of comments. Hand surgery was successful today, but will be out of commission for a long time., xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Cheryl for writing this! I too have come to realize that my posts do not appear in the reader at all! And I know this because other bloggers resubscribe on a daily basis. This is somewhat frustrating because my site is a paid site and has be wondering what to do. I have tried communicating with them but they say there is no problem…..


  3. Cheryl, you know I feel your pain as I had the issue of my posts not displaying in the reader at all. I never did get a resolution from WP, I did however change the time I post and this seems to have fixed it? I have no answers when it comes to issues with WP, I have different issues with them depending on what day of the week it is. I do not use the reader, so I get an email when you post – I hope your issue is resolved soon. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Of course you are one of the bloggers that came to my mind when this new problem arose last week-I am in communication with a few bloggers who are questioning WP aggressively. They really do think we are stupid! LOL some of the WP forum suggestions really insult my intelligence. Sunshine Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there! I was having the same problem!!
      Wordpress fixed my site. It now shows up in WPReader, but I have no clue what they did… I started a chat this morning at https://wordpress.com/help/contact
      described what was going on. They checked a few things, saying everything was successful and it magically appeared in the feed again. I highly recommend that you do the same! Hope this helps you too!


  4. I’m glad it isn’t just me. I’m not alone here and that is comforting.


  5. Cheryl!!!!
    Wordpress fixed my site. It now shows up in WPReader, but I have no clue what they did… I started a chat this morning at https://wordpress.com/help/contact
    described what was going on. They checked a few things, saying everything was successful and it magically appeared in the feed again. I highly recommend that you do the same! Hope this helps you too! ❤

    Liked by 1 person