White Cheddar & Rosemary Baked Scalloped Potatoes


A great side dish with ham, pork, beef, fish. I use regular Idaho potatoes ( 5 pounds) peeled, sliced with a mandoline, 2 cups white sharp cheddar cheese (melted), 1/4 stick sweet cream butter, dash of garlic salt, onion powder, 1 cup 2% milk, few splashes of heavy cream, black pepper, a few springs of rosemary chopped finely.

Layer potatoes in a square non stick baking dish, add all other ingredients, stir as you add each, pop into a 400 F hot oven on the middle rack and bake 35 minutes (check potatoes for tenderness).

Serve and enjoy!

Cheryl “Cheffie Cooks” Wiser.

See YOU!

8 thoughts on “White Cheddar & Rosemary Baked Scalloped Potatoes

  1. I love scalloped potatoes especially with it getting cooler and it is such a good side dish with roasts. Love the white cheddar and rosemary Cheryl 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just LOVE potatoes with rosemary! What a great scalloped potato recipe, cheesy potatoes MMMMMMM good! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great recipe, Cheryl. Thanks so much. 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

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